Lining installation succesfully made at Limak Cimentos SA, Mozambique.
The story of successful installation:
- March 2019: An onsite inspection was made at Limak Cimentos SA by Körfez in order to replace the old and worn liners of second chamber.
- May 2019: After a thorough study together with the Limak’s Cimentos SA, Körfez’s classification design liners was decided.
- June 2019: The production of parts was started.
- November 2019: Parts were delivered to Limak Cimentos SA.
- December 2019: Replacement was done by Limak Cimentos SA under the supervision of Körfez successfully.
- Start of 2020: Within only 7 days the mill was taken back into production, with better production efficiency.
Thanks to all Limak Cimentos SA and Körfez Team.