Category: Uncategorized @tr
We do not only offer high quality products and special services for you, but also work for a more livable world. As your business partner, we are committed to improving your processes while saving energy and ensuring long-term use of your resources. We contribute to creating an environment- and community-sensitive, … Devamı
Körfez Döküm’de aylık kapasite 800 tona ulaştı
Alaşımlı çelik döküm üretimi yapan Körfez Döküm, gerçekleştirdiği yatırımlarla aylık kapasiteyi 800 tona çıkardı. Şirket, yeni işleme tesisiyle 34 bin metrekarelik alana ulaştı.
Bugün itibarıyla beş kıtada yaklaşık 70 ülkeye ihracat yapan Körfez Döküm, yaptığı yatırımlarla aylık 800 ton kapasiteye ulaştı. Körfez Döküm Genel … Devamı
Korfez Foundry has been producing high quality and custom-based casting solutions for cement and mining industries since its establishment. Korfez Foundry has proved its global presence with its casting services provided in 70 countries and 5 continents and has left satisfied customers behind for more than 30 years. Our steel … Devamı
Körfez Team was in Romania for customer visit. We put our customer to first place. It is important for us to understand their needs, questions and concern and offer them the best possible solutions for their systems.
Korfez Foundry has been successfully producing composite hammers for various industries. Composite hammers are reinforced with very hard ceramic inserts at the crushing zone but in the in the bore area they are still ductile because the base material is a relative ductile one. Consequently the ductility of the base … Devamı
Lining installation succesfully made at Limak Cimentos SA, Mozambique.
The story of successful installation:
March 2019: An onsite inspection was made at Limak Cimentos SA by Körfez in order to replace the old and worn liners of second chamber.
May 2019: After a thorough study together with the Limak’s Cimentos SA, Körfez’s classification … Devamı
The “Common Mind Meeting” held by Halkbank-Turkish Time was done with the participation of Korfez Foundry in Dilovası Organized Industrial Zone.
Hakan Kuşdemir, a manufacturing engineer in Korfez Foundry, describes the work of manufacturing engineering and the reasons why he finds his field rewarding.
“For a Material and Metallurgical Engineer Foundry is the Heart of the Business”